Redefining markets and achieving their dreams
Everyone has a story to tell. It takes courage, grit and serious savvy to lift a startup off the ground. Listen to these entrepreneurs’ stories and learn how they defied the odds to successfully transform their ideas into not just real products and services, but thriving, world-on-fire, market-changing technologies and companies.
Success means different things to different people. To us, it means our portfolio companies achieve the goals they’ve laid out and are pleased with the outcome, whatever it may be — acquisition, additional funding rounds secured, etc. Each story is unique, but all are insightful.

Growing pains in startups are very real and, if not handled well, can be detrimental to the success of a company. If you ask an entrepreneur what made the difference in whether their startup made it up the next wrung in the ladder, somewhere in their answer you’ll find not only “hard work,” “determination,” “better product” or perhaps even “luck,” but also “team,” “help” and “support.”